Chashinai Railway
Chashinai Railway is a fictional network of routes set somewhere in Japan. The network is shown on the following map.
Route Download
The Chashinai Railway is packaged in 4 files (routes AND trains):
The Naminaka Line
Daytime Services
Local: Chashinai - Minaminaka (13 min, 8 stations, 7.2 km)
Nighttime Services
Express: Nakafurano - Minaminaka (5½ min, 2 stations, 4.1 km)
This line is one of the oldest routes in the network. The line connects suburbs with the city
of Nakafurano.
Mostly the older series 2000 trains are used in 4 car consists, running in 6 to 8 minute intervals at daytime as local train services from Chashinai to Minaminaka. At nighttime, the line is shortened to Nakafurano and then connects Nakafurano with Minaminaka with express train services without intermediate stops. The three stations Utashinai, Kotohira and Nakashima are not serviced at night.
Safety systems:
The route is equipped with ATS-Sx, as well as with ATS-P in the section that is shared with the Ishinden Line.
The Ishinden Line
Daytime Services
Local: Sunagawa - Jimokuji East (20 min, 12 stations, 11.8 km)
Nighttime Services
Local: Chashinai - Jimokuji East (21½ min, 12 stations, 13.6 km)
This line connects the cities of Nakafurano, Shimokanesawa, Yamauchi and Jimokuji with
local train services.
The line is primarily operated by series 5000 trains in 6 car consists, running in 4 to 6 minute intervals. Daytime services start at Sunagawa, while nighttime services are extended to Chashinai. At nighttime, the two stations Tomikawa and Utashinai are not serviced.
Safety systems:
The route is equipped with ATS-P.
The Uchiike Line
Daytime Services
Local: Uchiike Central - Kawarada (11½ min, 7 stations, 5.1 km)
Nighttime Services
Local: Uchiike Central - Jimokuji East (14 min, 7 stations, 6.1 km)
This line connects suburbs with the city of Jimokuji, running alongside roads for the first
half of the journey. Some stations are barely longer (55m) than the trains (54m), which
is why these stations require precise stops to accomodate the train.
The line is solely operated by 3 car consists of the older series 2000 trains, running in 8 minute intervals. At daytime, the line regularly ends at Kawarada, although trains heading for the Jimokuji depot continue to Jimokuji West, which is for exits only. At nighttime, the line is extended to Jimokuji East, but the station Futao is not serviced.
Safety systems:
The route is equipped with ATS-Sx.
The Takahagi Line
Daytime Services
Local: Tawaramoto - Takahagi (24 min, 13 stations, 14.0 km)
Semi-express: Tawaramoto - Takahagi (19 min, 8 stations, 14.0 km)
Express: Tawaramoto - Takahagi (14½ min, 4 stations, 14.0 km)
Express: Tawaramoto - Jimokuji East (15½ min, 5 stations, 13.4 km)
Nighttime Services
Local: Tawaramoto - Takahagi (22½ min, 12 stations, 14.0 km)
Express: Tawaramoto - Takahagi (14½ min, 4 stations, 14.0 km)
Express: Tawaramoto - Jimokuji East (15½ min, 5 stations, 13.4 km)
This line connects the cities of Tawaramoto, Kishigawa, Yamauchi and Takahagi. The line is party underground, partly on ground level and partly on elevated track, with most sections having four tracks to accomodate frequent express and semi-express services.
The line is very frequented, with usually 2 to 4 minute intervals for local trains, and 8 minute intervals for express trains. At certain times of day, semi-express services are also used. The 5000 series and 8000 series trains are most frequently used in 6 or 8 car consists. Some express trains also regularly switch over to the Ishinden Line and head for Jimokuji East. At nighttime, the Ichigaya station is not serviced.
Safety systems:
The route is equipped with ATS-P.
The Koriyama Line
Daytime Services
Local: Izumozaki South - Koriyama (5 min, 4 stations, 2.7 km)
Local: Koriyama - Izumozaki South (5 min, 4 stations, 2.7 km)
Local: Tawaramoto - Koriyama (20 min, 11 stations, 10.4 km)
Local: Koriyama - Tawaramoto (21 min, 11 stations, 10.4 km)
Nighttime Services
Local: Izumozaki South - Koriyama (5 min, 4 stations, 2.7 km)
Local: Koriyama - Izumozaki South (5 min, 4 stations, 2.7 km)
This line connects Izumozaki with the more sparsely populated parts of the surrounding city complex.
The line is operated by 5000 and 8000 series trains in 6 minute intervals, but is limited to 4 cars due to shorter stations. At daytime, some trains are extended to Tawaramoto along the Misaki line.
Safety systems:
The route is equipped with ATS-P.
The Misaki Line
Misaki Line
Local: Tawaramoto - Hitachiomiya (23½ min, 12 stations, 12.8 km)
Local: Hitachiomiya - Tawaramoto (22 min, 12 stations, 12.8 km)
This line, together with the Koriyama Line, is one of the newest routes in the network. The
line is primarily underground, and connects the cities of Tawaramoto, Fukuyama, Izumozaki
and Hitachiomiya.
The line is operated in ATC using in-cab signalling - there are no track-side signals or speed limits. The 5000 series and 8000 series trains are used in 6 or 8 car consists.
Safety systems:
The route is equipped with ATC.